GI Radiology > Small Bowel > Structural Abnormalities
Structural Abnormalities
Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO) |
As you will recall, the upper limits of normal for the diameter of the small bowel lumen is 3 cm. When the luminal diameter is larger than this, it is DILATED. The differential diagnosis for a dilated bowel lumen is mechanical small bowel obstruction vs. adynamic ileus. As the name implies, SBO
occurs as result of a physically obstructing lesion. Ninety percent (90%)
of SBO are caused by adhesions or hernias. Less common causes include
volvulus, intussusception, and bowel wall lesions such as masses or
strictures. SBO from adhesions as a
result of abdominal surgeries and should be suspected in patients presenting
with signs and symptoms of SBO with a history of previus abdominal surgeries.
Adhesions may cause partial or complete obstruction and may spontaneously
resolve. Hernias may be external or
internal. External hernias are protrusions of bowel through defects in
structures external to the peritoneal cavity (e.g. inguinal, femoral,
incisional). Internal are protrusions of bowel through intraperitoneal
defects (e.g. paraduodenal, paracecal). Incarceration of a hernia confers
that the hernia is not reducible. Strangulation of a hernia confers that its
blood supply has been cut off. Incarcerated hernias are at risk for
strangulation. Small bowel volvulus
involves the torsion of bowel around its mesentery. Small bowel volvulus is
much less common in adults than its counterparts, cecal and sigmoid volvulus.
Primary volvulus is seen in children with midgut malrotation. Secondary
volvulus is seen in adults and associated with adhesions, internal hernias, and
tumors. Volvulus can cut off the blood supply, leading to mesenteric ischemia
or infarction. Intussusception is the
telescoping of bowel to form inner loop (intussusceptum) and outer loop (intussuscipiens).
It is much more common in young children, usually idiopathic in nature. In
adults, the lead point is often a mass. Plain films are often that
first studies ordered to evaluate for SBO. The hallmark of obstruction on
plain films (obviously) is dilated loops of bowel. To distinguish SBO from
large bowel obstruction, the dilated loops are usually centrally located with
valvulae conniventes present. On supine images, SBO often demonstrates a
“stepladder” pattern of dilated loops of bowel that appear to be stacked on
one another. Variable amount of gas is seen in the colon depending on the
severity and duration of obstruction. A gasless abdomen can also be seen if
distended loops are fluid-filled. Erect or lateral decubitus films demonstrate
air-fluid levels. If the loops are predominantly filled with fluid, a “string
of pearls” can be seen, representing small collections of air trapped between
valvulae. It can be difficult (if
not impossible) to distinguish SBO from ileus on plain films, as both present
with dilated loops of bowel and air-fluid levels. However, in contrast to
ileus, SBO tends to have differential air-fluid levels (air-fluid levels at
different levels); whereas, ileus tends to have air-fluid levels at the same
height. CT is a valuable tool in
the evaluation of SBO. CT detects intramural or extraintestinal causes of
SBO, such as hernias, masses, etc. CT assists in determining the site of obstruction. The site of obstruction is often
heralded by a transition zone, in which the caliber of the bowel wall
transforms from dilated to decompressed. On CT, hernias be identified as
abnormally located loops of small bowel. CT also helps to define other hernia
contents (e.g. omentum, colon). In volvulus, CT may demonstrate radially distributed
dilated small bowel around twisted, edematous mesentery. Intussusceptions
present on CT as edematous bowel
walls with a “bull’s eye” appearance from the layering of bowel walls.
Upright abdominal radiograph demonstrates air-fluid levels and small bowel dilatation. Supine abdominal plain film demonstrates dilated loops of small bowel. |